Support AnimeChicago

Your gift powers our mission to educate Chicagoans on Japanese pop culture, promote our work, and celebrate the best anime has to offer. Contact us to volunteer or host our events.

Many thanks to 2024’s Contributors and Volunteers so far: Adam, Ali, Chase, Eren, Faye, Jae, Kendall, Matt, Merrick, Rachel, Raymond, Ricky, Ryan, Sam, Steve, Solangel, Thomas, and our anon donors!

Help us raise $2,000 in 2024!

As a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, your donation is eligible for a tax deduction. Win-win.

42% raised!

Our 2024 Fundraising Goal

2023 numbers TBA!

  • We raised $2,138 in our 2022 fiscal year
  • We spent $700+ on 2022 expenses
  • Our operation budget includes:
    • legal filings, registered agent, PO Box
    • finance software subscription
    • marketing tools like
  • Our program budget includes:
    • modest honorariums for guest speakers
    • local artists + creators funding
    • editing software subscriptions

Go beyond…

  • Shop our merch – all proceeds are donated!
  • Recommend anime and manga for our programs
  • Welcome folks at our convention booths
  • Write an article for
  • Speak at our events, panels, or podcasts
  • Sponsor venue costs for an IRL meetup
  • Join our volunteer team

Collaborate with us!

We partner with Chicago-based organizations, Japanese cultural groups, independent journalists, and academics who love sharing their perspective on all things Japanese pop culture.

  • Write an article for
  • Speak at a talk, podcast, or at our con panels
  • Cross-promote between our communities
  • Collaborate as a partner organization