Update at 8:40pm on July 27: The folks at AnimeCon.org (including Kopf) sent a notice to their email subscribers on the newly renamed convention, Con Alt Delete. No other changes to the convention itself have been announced.
Update at 8:40pm on July 26:
We just received word from Ryan Kopf. The convention is being renamed to Con Alt Delete and will still take place December 13-15. There is no official word on what alterations will occur beyond the rename. Kopf also stated that use of a common Japanese word like “domo” lead to unnecessary confusion and it was never their intention to purposefully infringe on intellectual property rights.
Original story on July 26:
AnimeChicago received a cease and desist email from Big Tent Entertainment LLC on July 26, 2013 pertaining to the use and promotion of the Domo-Kun property for the previously announced Domo Con. AnimeChicago was not previously aware that intellectual property rights were infringed upon in the planning and promotion of this convention. Due to these violations, we will not be promoting said event.
According to Big Tent Entertainment LLC, the operators of Domo Con have been notified and Domocon.org has been taken down. Request for further information or official statement from Ryan Kofp, owner of Chrono LLC, parent company for Domo Con, is pending. Chrono LLC is also known for organizing other midwest conventions such as Anime Midwest, Anime ZAP and AniMinneapolis, as well as the news site UpcomingCons.com.
AnimeChicago is an independent news source and will continue to provide you coverage and updates on this story as it unfolds.